LGT4HEP - Apply


The traineeship program is open to current graduate students as well as undergraduates applying to a graduate program at a host institution. The graduate student candidates to be considered for this traineeship program must be a U.S. citizen or a legal permanent resident, at least 18 years of age, enrolled full-time in a graduate program during the traineeship and able to meet the traineeship program requirements specified in the application. If you are applying to graduate school at the same time as the traineeship, be sure to mention the "High-Energy Physics Computing Traineeship for Lattice Gauge Theory (LGT4HEP)" in your research statement.”

Traineeship Requirements

This traineeship program has two primary objectives: First, academic training in HEP and HPC, with particular emphasis on the areas of hardware-software co-design, collaborative software infrastructure, and software and algorithms, described further below. Second, practical research experience in collaboration with mentors at DOE national laboratories, working on frontier computational physics projects. The combination of the formal coursework and hands-on work in a national lab setting, with both elements covering a mixture of professional and research training, will provide both an advertisement and a strong foundation for a future career in a national-lab environment.

More concretely, successful completion of the traineeship program will require trainees to complete the following:

  • A minimum of 9 credit hours in relevant coursework, including one semester of quantum field theory and one semester of HPC
  • Attendance at a minimum of one relevant summer school, workshop, or other training event such as a hackathon
  • Satisfactory completion of course materials developed specifically for this program
  • Completion of a research experience in lattice field theory at a DOE national lab under the supervision of a lab-based mentor

Approval of specific courses, programs, etc. which meet the requirements at a given institution will be done by the fellowship committee, described below. Upon completion of the program, a certificate will be awarded.

Where to apply?

If you are a senior undergraduate student, please see the linked Google Doc for details on how to get into the graduate schools where this DOE HEP Computing traineeship is hosted.

If you are already a graduate student at one of the traineeship host institutions, please check the website during mid-spring semester, when we will have an application Google Form link. An email will be distributed with the help of the graduate office to announce the opening of application submissions.

Interested in telling others about this traineeship?

Here are the flyers for undergraduates and graduate students.

This traineeship is sponsored by DOE HEP Computing traineeship.